Polite reminder: A half-term’s notice or a half-term’s fee is required. HPA pays thousands of pounds for the hire of the various halls used for our classes and festival work. We have to budget in advance using the number of children in each class for the existing term.
If children stop attending a class without notice, we inevitably run that class at a loss. We appreciate your co-operation.
HPA has two accounts.
To avoid confusion, it would help us if you could keep payments for Dance Classes & Examsseparate from Festival Rehearsals & Festival Fees.
(1) Dance Class Fees & Exam Fees: SORT CODE 30-93-94 (Lloyds Bank) ACC. NO. 24667760 Payee (If asked for): Mrs Angela Cantan
(2) Festival Rehearsals and Festival Fees: SORT CODE 30-93-94 (Lloyds Bank) ACC. NO. 02008154 Payee (If asked for): HPA Events
(Please put name of pupil(s) & what the payment is for as reference.)
Dance Classes / Exam Fees – payable to ‘A D Cantan’
Festival Rehearsals and Festival Fees) – payable to ‘HPA Events’
(Please put name of pupil(s) & what the payment is for on the back of the cheque.)
If there is a problem with affording payment at any time, please let Angela know because it may be possible to sort something out.