Pink RAD leotard, pink RAD skirt, pink tights/socks, pink satin or leather shoes
Grade 1
Pink leotard without skirt, pink tights and satin or leather pink ballet shoes
View on the RAD website
Grade 2 & 3

Blue RAD leotard, pink tights and satin or leather shoes suitable for Grade 2 & 3 classes and exams
View on the RAD website
Grade 4 & 5
Blue RAD leotard, pink tights and satin or leather shoes suitable for Grade 4 & 5 classes and exams
View on RAD website
Grade 6 & 7
Black RAD leotard, pink tights and satin or leather shoes suitable for Grade 6 & 7 classes and exams
View on the RAD website
Saturday Workshops
Girls can wear any suitable leotard and ballet (and tap) shoes
Boys – shorts and t-shirts, ballet shoes (if required) or suitable comfortable clothes for street dance